Five years ago Gary Briggs was just your average working father. He would leave for work at 8 am and return just after five to enjoy a meal with his whizz of a cook wife and two children. Gary was about as useful in the kitchen as a lawnmower, and so the daily responsibility of feeding the family was left to his wife, not that she minded.


Unfortunately, tragedy struck in 2015 when Gary’s wife was killed in a road traffic accident. Not only was Gary dealing with the emotional pain produced by the loss of his wife, but he also had a long line of responsibilities that he had to deal with, along with working full time and caring for his children.


A New Outlook

Gary coped with his newfound responsibilities, but admittedly neglected one of his new roles in the household – the role of chef. With Gary working so much, he found it difficult to find the time to cook up the meals that his wife used to and subsequently resorted to freezer food and takeaways more times than he cares to admit.  Gary and his children were not getting the vital nutrients that they needed and the final push to make a change came when his youngest child, Katie, was diagnosed with Anemia.  This meant that Gary had to start putting more effort into making foods packed with iron and other nutrients that they had been seriously lacking since his wife had passed.


Gary started off by doing what he thought was the smartest move, which meant going down to the local WHSmith and buying as many cooking books as he could. However, he quickly learned that reading a method and seeing a couple of pictures does not always equate to a quality meal and he is sure that his children would agree.  After weeks of failed attempts and nearly a hundred pounds spent on last-minute takeaways, Gary found himself in a rut. This was until his children introduced him to the world of youtube cooking.


Teaching an Old Dog


See Gary is a bit of an old body and his only experience with Youtube had been catching a glimpse of whatever Minecraft video his son was watching. So when he found out that there were thousands of people making instructional videos on how to cook delicious dishes, he was excited to get stuck in.


Gary studied these videos very carefully and within months he was a whizz in the kitchen, in fact, he started to host a weekly night for his friends to bring their children to feast on his new culinary invention. After a while, people started to encourage Gary to start cooking professionally, as he obviously had the natural talent to do so. Gary considered it, after all, he had been unhappy with his job since his wife had passed and had been looking for something to do. However, working in a kitchen would require years of training and would mean that he would spend even more time away from his children, which he wanted to avoid as much as he possibly could.


The Channel

Then it hit him, why not start a youtube channel much like all the ones that had inspired his own cooking? With the help of his children, Gary set up a youtube channel and started posting videos of himself brewing up his culinary concoctions. He was a big hit, due to his charming personality and clumsy cooking techniques.


Quickly he became an overnight sensation and was able to quit his job and comfortably support his family on the earnings he had been making from youtube. Not only is he managing to support his family from the ad revenue gained by youtube, but he also sells merchandise to all of his loving fans. You can get your hands on funny baking aprons with his face and popular quotes on them, along with oven gloves and your very own chef hat. Gary is showing the world how you can make a profession out of your passions and how men can survive in the kitchen without the help of their wives. If you like what he does, what’s stopping you from jumping in the